Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sexism? This Sums It Up For Me...


EDev said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I had a great laugh over this. My sister had just told me about it and minutes later I saw this.
PS you must change your about me to accommodate your growing family.

Unknown said...

Did you know Palin is a homeschooler? She had just signed up her daughter for an Alaska homeschooling program before she was tapped for the VP. I don't care what anyone says about her. She is a very impressive woman and I have great admiration for her. Did you see her daughter Piper holding the baby during the convention speech? She was spit-shining the baby's hair down while her mom was speaking. That was the first time I could really relate to a national candidate.

Anyway, we know we have our differences, but we have a lot more in common. I was wondering if you had any recommendations for primary math. I'm looking for something more hands on than workbooks, but I don't have a lot of money to spend. I was looking at Mammoth math online, and it looked interesting. I've also used math u see, but it's so darn expensive! And I don't really want to use those videos.

Great idea to sell your artwork! I love that red flower print. I just might get myself a copy of it!

Oh, do you have any good pictures from our last visit? Any recent pictures of Juno? Hope she's still sweet. Give the boys hugs from us.

See you soon, Love, your sis-in-law, April