I've never blogged before...this is something totally new to me. However, in speaking with my mom on the phone recently (she lives far away), she commented about how she doesn't get photos and updates quickly enough, and that the boys seem to be growing faster than she can believe is possible.
About me: I'm a homeschooling mom of 2 boys, and our home also includes three cats and a dog. Once we had our second baby in two years, my husband laughed about how chaotic life had become and decided he was naming our home "Bedlam."
So, what to expect? Read the name of my blog and take a guess!
Today Aidan had his first-ever t-ball practice. It was hard to get good photos because we were looking straight into the sun. This image was one I found to be particularly fun, though. Here is Aidan (standing) at third base with one of his friends (on the ground) looking particularly enthusiastic:
And here is Colin graciously sharing his favorite gal's candy with her:

Won't that be a good one to share at their wedding in 25 years?
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