Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick on a Pig

Okay, I can't believe the big deal that is being made about Obama using the phrase, "lipstick on a pig" on the campaign trail, and the accusations that it's some kind of sexist remark directed at Sarah Palin.

So, just to point out the absurdity of this accusation, here is our friend, John McCain, using the EXACT SAME (and may I point out, very COMMON) phrase on the stump, with regard to one of Hillary Clinton's plans

By the way, I am only posting this as a matter of fairness. My intent is not, and never has been, for this blog to become a political blog, although I am not shy about who I support.

I do, however, think the media is doing an unbelievably lame job in covering this year's election. Whatever happened to investigative journalism? Why not spend more time fact-checking the political ads, and calling a lie a lie, and shining the spotlight on who is doing the lying? Instead, they sensationalize every rumor and focus more on what opinion polls say than they do on actual FACTS.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox...for now, anyway!