Well, we've had some excitement today. We woke up at about 7:45 this morning to some low rumbles of thunder and a very dark sky. I decided to check the radar to see what was coming our way before we drove 2 hours to my mom's house. Hmmm...severe thunderstorm warning and winds in excess of 65 mph headed straight for us.
I headed back into the bedroom, figuring I'd distract the boys with getting dressed and stuff. Not a chance. The wind picked up like crazy, the rain came pounding down...and then the power went out. The room was as dark as night, and the boys were scared. Then the sirens started going off. (My dad's house does NOT have a basement, by the way.)
Knowing that taking cover would possibly scare the boys even more, I debated it, but only for a second. There was a loud THUD on the roof, and I ushered them under the built-in desk in that bedroom and hauled pillows and sleeping bags in there with us, figuring they would at least be protected from flying glass if something should come through the window. We sat under there, listening to debris flying around outside and the loud wind and the thunder and the sirens. Once it finally quieted down, I got up to go see if it was safe to have them come out yet.
Here is what I saw looking out my dad's patio door...and yes, the sky was still that dark and it was now 8:15 a.m.
I decided to wait until it got a little bit lighter to come out of our spot under the desk for good.
Finally, (it was really only about 5 more minutes), we emerged from our hideout. Then, my dad and my cousin, Andy, came home from work to survey the damage.
As you can see, there was lots of small debris laying around all over the place:
We stopped a few times as we were leaving my dad's neighborhood, to look at some of the other damage the straight-line winds caused.
Here is a camper that was flipped onto its side:
Hey, Becky, aren't you glad you and the kids weren't camping in a tent for THAT?!?!
ON A HAPPIER NOTE... Fred picked up Juno today! Here he is, at the home of her breeder, holding our "little" puppy!
She's only 12 weeks old...I don't think she's going to be "little" for long!