Saturday, December 13, 2008
Why We Live Where We Do
In our front yard, as seen from our living room windows...Not too many words needed here; the photos tell the story.
The orange stuff they're eating is a pumpkin. And, yes, those two tiny spikes are baby antlers!

Breakfast With Santa
We were greeted this morning by a magical, sparkling beauty that extended for miles from the top of our mountain. We were very lucky that the freezing rain did not knock out power and cause too many other problems; we just got the beautiful trees, which sparkled like a forest full of diamonds.
Fortunately, the roads were in good enough shape that we did not have to cancel out on our plans for "Breakfast With Santa" with some good friends of ours!

That look on Colin's face is because he is asking Santa for something that he knows mommy and daddy do not want him to have...a Nintendo DS. It's not that we are opposed to video games in general, we are just not in favor of OWNING any! Fred has too many memories of playing them until he got blisters on his thumbs, instead of doing other things like homework and playing outside in the fresh air. Not sure how to handle this one with Colin...I'd LOVE to hear any suggestions you may have!

I thought these pine needles looked amazing...

And I've never seen an oak leaf coated in ice quite like this one! Pretty cool, huh?

That look on Colin's face is because he is asking Santa for something that he knows mommy and daddy do not want him to have...a Nintendo DS. It's not that we are opposed to video games in general, we are just not in favor of OWNING any! Fred has too many memories of playing them until he got blisters on his thumbs, instead of doing other things like homework and playing outside in the fresh air. Not sure how to handle this one with Colin...I'd LOVE to hear any suggestions you may have!
Aidan was very excited to tell Santa what's at the top of his wish list! Guess what? Santa already knew what that was...hooray!
On the way home, Fred helped me find some places to park the car so I could take some close-ups of the pretty ice.
I thought these pine needles looked amazing...
And I've never seen an oak leaf coated in ice quite like this one! Pretty cool, huh?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Scenes From A "Picture Perfect" Thanksgiving
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I always wish we could be with ALL of our family for the holidays, but the miles between us makes that prohibitive. We had a lovely Thanksgiving at Fred's aunt and uncle's house.
I think pictures can sum up the atmosphere of our Thanksgiving feast better than my words can, so I'll share a few...

Aidan with baby Samuel:

Juno in one of her quiet moments:

A French pumpkin begging to be photographed:

Dinner turkey had foie gras spread under the skin, and the other had a mushroom paste spread under the skin. (No, they are NOT from our neighborhood!)

Details, details, details...

I think pictures can sum up the atmosphere of our Thanksgiving feast better than my words can, so I'll share a few...
Aidan with baby Samuel:
Juno in one of her quiet moments:
A French pumpkin begging to be photographed:
Dinner turkey had foie gras spread under the skin, and the other had a mushroom paste spread under the skin. (No, they are NOT from our neighborhood!)
Details, details, details...
Spiced nuts as a pre-dinner snack:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hasn't Anyone Told Them...?
Hasn't anyone told the turkeys that it's almost Thanksgiving? This was the scene in our yard a few days ago:
Today I found this pretty creature lying between my house and my neighbor's...
I know, it would be a much better photo if I had moved over to the right about 15 feet, so I could have gotten rid of my neighbor's fence in the background, but I was afraid that he/she would run. I got within about 15 feet of this deer, but then he/she decided that was close enough.
So, I left some apples on the ground for it and walked away. It's the closest I've ever been to a deer that was not in captivity. It was really a pretty cool experience!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Now that the weather has warmed back up, it's that time of year...time to try to get a decent family photo for our annual holiday cards. The challenge, of course, is to get a decent expression on everyone's faces, while using a tripod and the timer function on my camera. Okay, everyone, say "Cheese!"

FRED: "Why can't we have the dogs in the picture?"
ME: "Because we can't even control the KIDS for this picture! How are we going to control our unruly puppy, too?"
Okay, we give up for now.
If you get a non-photo Christmas card from us this year, at least you'll know why!
Also, if you're curious about just how big that tree was that almost fell on my car, and just how close it came, here you go:
Also, if you're curious about just how big that tree was that almost fell on my car, and just how close it came, here you go:
Yep, it crushed our lilacs, which makes me REALLY sad, because they bloom so beautifully every Mother's Day. I don't know if they can be saved. Oh well, at least it didn't crush any of US, as we were all out there playing in the snow when it fell. It really was quite a sight!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Snow Day?
I took the following photos a couple days ago. Please forgive the mediocre quality, I took them through a window, and there is definitely glare/reflection showing up in the photos. These were our "guests" inside our fenced in backyard, dining on our burning bushes.
Yep, that's SIX deer, just hanging out together, eating whatever they can before the snow comes.
I'm always amazed at how close to the house they get. I watched two young bucks wrestling each other with their antlers the other day...they were 40 feet from me, and I was sitting outside talking on the phone. It was almost like they were putting on a show just for me!
This is one of the fawns who lives around our yard with her mother and sibling. About 1/2 a second after I took this picture, she took off running, because Colin openend the door and yelled, "Get off my lawn!" at the top of his lungs and slammed the door shut. (Thank you, Monster House!)
So, we've had lots of beauty and wonders of nature around here for the past few days, and we've been doing our best to appreciate all of it. Lucky thing, because THIS is what we woke up to this morning...
(Oh, and that dark pine tree you see beyond my is now laying on the ground about 1 foot away from my fell down while the kids, the dogs and I were outside playing in the snow. It was pretty scary watching it fall; we decided it was time to go back inside.)

This snowstorm was NOT forecasted by ANYONE, so I am woefully unprepared. Our power keeps threatening to go out (and most of our neighbors have no power), so I've got a big fire going in the fireplace, and I'm trying to get everything that requires electricity done, just in case. Anyway, about another 3 inches has fallen since I took these pictures this morning.
UPDATE: Our power DID go out before I could finish posting this blog. It's back, now, though...I'm loving having heat and electricity once again! We've got about a foot of snow on the ground, and it's still snowing furiously. Luckily, the wind has picked up and is blowing much of it off the trees, so hopefully we won't lose any more to the weight of this wet, sticky snow!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So, this guy (or gal) was playing with Aidan's red soccer ball in the woods in our front yard. By the time I got outside with my camera, he was exiting via our driveway...

No, I'm not nuts, I would NOT have gone out there to take pictures, except he was already 100 yards away! We saw him because Sadie was outside and started barking like crazy. She's a good bear alarm, but bears are apparently NOT afraid of dogs AT ALL.

I must say, it's really a breathtaking thing to see a bear that close up...Did I mention that he was IN OUR FRONT YARD?
Draining the Lake
Our community is "drawing down" our lake so that we can remove a couple sand/gravel bars and get rid of a lot of weeds that are threatening to overtake the lake. It was a big community event today...lots of exitement!
Yes, that's Fred standing on the dam in the white Chicago Bears jersey!
Get ready...
Here it comes!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Whew, it's been awhile...
It's been way too long since I wrote my last blog. Life at our house has been really crazy with a puppy (do I dare say that I think she's finally housebroken?), soccer four days a week and getting back to doing "real" schoolwork.
While I want to post photos of some of what we've been up to the last couple months, today I need to post something a little bit different, because it was a very dangerous day for driving around here today. This was not due to rain or snow or ice or any of the usual hazards; it was due to the weak-in-the-knees-stunning colors that autumn was showing off was impossible to keep your eyes on the road!

While I want to post photos of some of what we've been up to the last couple months, today I need to post something a little bit different, because it was a very dangerous day for driving around here today. This was not due to rain or snow or ice or any of the usual hazards; it was due to the weak-in-the-knees-stunning colors that autumn was showing off was impossible to keep your eyes on the road!

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